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AngularJs Interpolate Filter

This might be a simple angular filter, but more helpful to reduce ugly code in your controller.

Angular provides '$interpolate' service to evaluate angular expressions. 

Consider you have some constant template with some expression expecting a dynamic value - lets say userName.

   WELCOME_MSG: 'Hi {{userName}} Welcome to our Portal'
.controller('sampleCtrl', function($scope, TEMPLATE, $interpolate){
   $ = {

   $scope.MSG = $interpolate(TEMPLATE.WELCOME_MSG)($;

<div ng-app="app.example" ng-controller="sampleCtrl">

Instead you can simplify the above one with custom interpolate filter. Below example wont make much difference, but consider if you have some 100 template constants - it is not a good idea to evaluate each template expression in controller. Instead we can achieve the same in template expression with simple filter.

        .filter('interpolate', function ($interpolate) {
            return function (input, data) {
                return input?$interpolate(input)(data):'';

   WELCOME_MSG: 'Hi {{userName}} Welcome to our Portal'
.controller('sampleCtrl', function($scope, TEMPLATE, $interpolate){

   $ = {
<div ng-app="app.example" ng-controller="sampleCtrl">
    <!--Referring the model-->
      {{TEMPLATE.WELCOME_MSG | interpolate:data}}
    <!--With hardcoded value-->
      {{TEMPLATE.WELCOME_MSG | interpolate:{userName:'Ajai'} }}


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